Welcome to Division 3 MST
This trimester, Revolutions in Math and Science studied the application of geometry in multiple areas, from reading Flatland to applying proof logic to politics. In an exploration of art, students looked at the work of MC Escher and created their own tessellating designs. They applied their understanding of angles, reflection, and symmetry to create detailed and identifiable images. Additionally, they investigated the challenges of gerrymandering and the difficulty of creating fair and mathematically sound methods for creating voting districts. In chemistry, students completed their study of the model of the atom, and explored the forces that control the behavior of all matter. They applied this model in their explanation of the physical characteristics and noted behaviors of the different elements. They then explored how these elemental behaviors control chemical reactions by performing a number of their own at home experiments and simulations. One of the experiments in which they explored chemical reactions was the “Create your own Airbag” lab below.