General Resources
Tuition payments:
Select a department below to see resources for that subject.
Humanities Resources
Research and Writing
- Boston Public Library Electronic Resources Note: You'll need a BPL library card for access. Ask a teacher if you need help with that!
- Fordham's Modern History Sourcebook (great for primary sources from American and European history)
- Meridian's How to Write an Introduction
Bibliographies and Works Cited Pages
- Meridian's MLA Handbook
- Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab: A great site for writing resources and research papers
- EasyBib: Help with citations and online note-taking
- American Psychological Association (APA) Style: Citations for the social and behavioral sciences (sociology, economics, public health, anthropology, demography and political science).
Online Writing Communities
- Figment: Read young adult creative writing and submit your own poems and stories.
Math, Science, and Technology Resources
Homework Resources
- Getting stuck? Use our Homework Process.
- Need more graph paper or want to design your own graph paper? Try this graph paper generator.
- Don't have a calculator at home? Use this online calculator.
Multiplication Practice
- A good place to start: Skillswise Times Tables Grid (requires Java, which is best supported by Firefox browsers).
- The Factor Game
- The Product Game
Addition Facts Practice
- AAA Know: Scroll down for the practice game, or scroll further and choose the countdown version
- AAA Know for Two Digit Numbers
Fractions and Decimals: BBC Skillswise
Negative Number Practice: Flashcards with negative numbers for all four operations
Order of Operations
- Without exponents: Math Goodies
- Broken Calculator Game
For Geometry, Algebra, Calculus, and other explorations, we use Geogebra.
Access the Division 1 Textbook
Along with your text, you also have access to online resources made available by the publisher. There are review questions and other information (some of minimal value). They also make the entire text available. So, if you leave the big purple book at school, you still have access to it.
- To download a chapter, click here.
- Click on "Online Student Edition" and then use Access Code: B365A6B947
Once the page has downloaded (be patient), click on the orange Contents button toward the bottom of the page and then click on the Chapter Section that you want. Once that chapter has downloaded, you can save the entire PDF document to your hard drive for future use.
Cool 2-D and 3-D graphing programs:
Science-specific Resources
- PubMed: A great resource for scientific papers
- PhET: A wide variety of science simulations
- SEPUP: An 8-10th grade text reference
- Global System Science: A helpful place to download programs about color
- PBS Evolution: A veritable evolution wonderland -- everything you ever wanted to know
- Online Biology Labs
- Chem1 Virtual Textbook: A general (but advanced!) chemistry resource
General Fun & Media
- PBS Nova online videos
- Doodling in Math and More: Recreational mathematics and inspirational videos by Khan Academy resident mathemusician Vi Hart
- MinutePhysics: Short, thought-provoking videos on physical science
- Veritasium: Physics and engineering videos
- Smarter Everyday: Short documentaries on physics and science-related phenomena
- The Slow Mo Guys: Slow motion videos of random events, like balloons exploding
- Sixty Symbols: Advanced physics and mathematics videos
World Languages Resources
- Grammar Basics
- Verb Tenses
- Vocabulary
- Conjuguemos is a great resource for vocabulary, grammar, and verbs.
- Free E-Books in Spanish
- Mascuentos provides full texts of classic literary works by authors such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Felisberto Hernandez, and Jorge Luis Borges, as well as works by other non-Hispanic authors that have been translated into Spanish
- Newspapers from Spain
- Latin American Literature
- Spanish Literature
Newspapers from Spanish-speaking countries
- Accents
- Accents for Mac Users
- Accents for PC Users
- Phrases and words that will enhance your writing
- Spanish TypeIt allows you to type in Spanish as though you have a Spanish keypad. All of the letters that are not included on an American style keyboard are located above the text box, and all you need to do is to click on the letter you need. When you are finished with the document, you can copy and paste it into a Word or Open Office document and save it.
Hispanic-American TV Channels
Radio and Podcasts
- Show Time Spanish
- Spanish Segunda Lengua PodcastNote: don’t be surprised if you click on a station and hear English, as they do play English tunes as well. You may have to try a few links before you find something you like.
- Radio stations in Spain
Pop Culture
- Top 11 Latino Music Videos: Scroll all the way down to top 11 video latino to see music videos. Suggested viewing for high school students only.
Allen and Greenough’s Classical Latin grammar
Lewish and Short’s Latin-English dictionary
Current news and podcasts in Latin
For a fuller list of online Latin resources, see Nova Roma.