El Cuerpo en Arte
Following our focus on Paraguay and Bolivia cultural specificities, our Novice High Middle School class were given a list of art work from both Paraguayan and Bolivian artists. Each student was asked to select the piece which spoke to them most and label every visible body part. This tied in with our focus this trimester: Health and the Body. Once the students had acquainted themselves with the painting, they were asked to recreate the piece, through their own eyes and in whichever format they’d like. This included drawing, painting, or photography and they then came up with their own short description of what was going on in their piece, what had just happened (using the structure “acabar de”) and what was going to happen next, using the near future. The main requirements here were for the students to use these two structures as well as to use the vocabulary surrounding the body and daily routine.
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María Luisa Pacheco
Death of an Indian Chief, 1944
Crouching Figure - Maria Luisa Pacheco
Alfredo Da Silva – El Ritma del Espacio, 1935
Marina Nuñez del Prado, Mother and Child
Alejandro Mario Yllanes – Death of an Indian Chief, 1944