Le Curriculum Vitae et la Lettre de Motivation (FC)

The main goal this trimester was for French C students to prepare for an entretien d’emauche (job interview) in French. This involved the creation of their Curriculum Vitae and a Lettre de Motivation.

Students studied the difference between a typical CV in the US and a French Curriculum Vitae and created their own versions, in a creative and professional way.

Additionally, as we focused on using the future simple and the future perfect, students were given the task of writing a cover letter, in French, using these tenses jointly. They were given different job postings, and had a to write a cover letter, explaining why they wanted the job and why they were best suited for it.



Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software - Canva


Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software - Canva



Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software - Canva