La sala de clases ideal (Novice)

A return to in-person teaching this trimester meant a need for vocabulary and structures to describe the objects that surrounded us! After learning about our own physical space and comparing classrooms from around the world, students then had the chance to design their own ideal classrooms. For this project, students drew up plans (and in some cases made virtual 3D models), labeled the classroom objects, and spoke about their ideas for an engaging learning environment. Watch the videos below to see their creative ideas! What would you include in your own ideal classroom?

Marvin: Drawing a classroom and labeling it was really helpful for my classroom object-learning. Having to draw the objects and label them instead of just reciting the names cemented the words in my brain.

Ava: This project was really fun. I really like getting to design and put my own spin on the classroom, and it was a really fun way to learn classroom materials.

Rose: I really liked how hands on and creative this project was!

August: I liked this project because it let me create a random classroom that I found really unique and cool.

Novice Middle School - Section A

Scroll through the slideshow below to watch the videos of each student! (There are 7 in total.)

Novice Middle School - Section B

Scroll the through slideshow below to watch the videos of each student! (There are 7 in total.)


Novice High School

Scroll through slideshow below to watch the videos of each student! (There are in 3 in total.)