La sorpresa del lunes (Novice)
Like during trimesters 1 and 2, each student was assigned one week throughout trimester 3 to put together a sorpresa, or surprise, for the class. This surprise could be almost anything related to the Spanish-speaking world such as a song or meme in Spanish, a fun fact about a Spanish-speaking country, a short video, etc. Then, on the Monday of that week, they would present the surprise to the class, so that we could all learn a little something new about the Spanish-speaking world, or have a laugh at a funny meme!
Aya says: I enjoyed La sorpresa del lunes because it was fun to be able to bring something in and show it to the class. I also really enjoyed seeing what other people found.
Ivy says: i really enjoyed this because we could show anything related to Spanish!
Jack says: I really liked La sorpresa del lunes porque it was really cool to learn what other people had found in the world that was Spanish. From songs to memes, it was really fun and I feel like I learned a lot.
August says: I really liked this activity. It was super fun to create a funny meme to show to my classmates!
Rose (A): Meme
Simone (B): El baile folklórico de El Salvador
Genesee (A): Meme
Ivy (A): Video de Lele Pons
Xander (A): Canción “Soy” por Bomba Estereo
Jojo (A): Meme
Izzy (B): Trailer de “Mi villano favorito 2” (or “Despicable Me 2”)
Frances (A) = Her name means “French” in Spanish!
August (B): Meme original
Jack (B): La página web de su liga de béisbol en español
Ava (B): Una serie de fotos sobre la Princesa Leia y su pelo inspirado en “las soldaderas de México” durante la revolución mexicana
Pashya (HS): La escena de la boda de “La sirenita”