¡Votamos! (Novice High)
The final aspect of the “Mi Juego” project, included a speaking proponent: students had to present their game to the rest of the class, in the hopes of getting their game voted “most creative”, “most fun”, “craziest” and finally “most realistic”. The most realistic game, will hopefully be played, as soon as we are safely able to.
Students were encouraged to express themselves in this projects, but also help each other out and give each other invaluable feedback. Each student asked questions at the end of the presentations and kept notes in order to justify their decisions throughout the voting process. Every student used the exact same voting sheet and used a class Mural to go over each game flyer, in order to inform their vote one last time.
Here are examples of the note-taking during the presentations, as well as some voting sheets and, finally, the results of the vote!
Los resultados del voto
Example of a note-taking sheet
Example of a voting sheet