¿Cómo puedo celebrar el Día de los Reyes? (I2)
For many people around the world, young and old, January 5th and 6th are filled with joy and excitement. Three Kings Day is celebrated not only in Spanish speaking countries, but in many other places, from Bulgaria to Portugal, and Germany; every place has their own unique way of celebrating.
To start us off this trimester in Español Intermedio 2, we learned about how this day is celebrated in seven places: Germany, Bulgaria, Cuba, France, Perú, Portugal, and Puerto Rico. Students compared and contrasted different traditions. Then they chose one type of celebration to adapt and make it their own. In Germany, for example, children ask the adults in their family for money, which then they give to other children in need. In France, it is popular to bake or buy the traditional Galette du Rois, or King Cake, to share with family and friends. Inside the cake there is a bean hidden, and who ever finds it gets to be king for the day! In Portugal, after dinner, families visit each other and sing festive carols.
Enjoy the student’s choices; from helping and promoting an organization in need, to singing a festive song in Spanish, and preparing and sharing many tasty treats!
Rosa celebró como en Alemania:
¡Haciendo algo que ayude a otra persona!
Dom celebró como en Portugal:
¡Cantando una canción de las fiestas en español!
Estudiantes que celebraron como en Francia: ¡Horneando algo delicioso para su familia!
Amos preparó trufas de chocolate
Didi horneó pan de plátano
Phoebe horneó galette de verduras
Anna horneó rosca de reyes
Ezra horneó rosca de reyes
Saoirse horneó galette de rois
Clem horneó “pound cake“ de limón
Mara horneó bollito con jarabe de arce
Seth horneó galette de rois