El viaje a México (I2)


This trimester the students of Intermedio 2 read the book Problemas en paraíso. This short novel tells the story of Victoria and her son, Tyler, who visit the coastal city of Ixtapa in México. Unfortunately, there, Victoria is the victim of a kidnapping and Tyler, with the help of friends and agents, tries to find her.

Alongside this book, students learned vocabulary related to the topic of traveling, while reviewing the preterite and the imperfect tenses, the reflexive verbs, and the different uses of ser and estar.

For their term-long project students chose and researched a city in México. Then, they wrote six “traveling entries“ and drew six postcards, inspired by their research findings and their traveling entries. Finally, they presented “their city” to their classmates. in their presentations each student incorporated a touristic attraction that can be enjoyed by us all now, when traveling to new places is not feasible.

Las postales y las entradas de viaje

Amos visitó Aguascalientes

To see Amos’ entries and more postcards, click HERE.

To see Amos’ entries and more postcards, click HERE.

Didi visitó San Miguel de Allende

To see Didi’s entries and more postcards, click HERE.

To see Didi’s entries and more postcards, click HERE.

Mara visitó San Cristóbal de las Casas

To see Mara’s entries and more postcards, click HERE.

To see Mara’s entries and more postcards, click HERE.

Saoirse visitó Puebla

To see Saoirse’s entries and more postcards, click HERE.

To see Saoirse’s entries and more postcards, click HERE.

Anna visitó Villahermosa

To see Anna's entries and more postcards, click HERE.

To see Anna's entries and more postcards, click HERE.

Dom visitó Mérida

To see Dom’s entries and more postcards, click HERE.

To see Dom’s entries and more postcards, click HERE.

Phoebe visitó Campeche

To see Phoebe’s entries and more postcards, click HERE.

To see Phoebe’s entries and more postcards, click HERE.

Seth visitó Guanajuato

To see Seth’s entries and more postcards, click HERE.

To see Seth’s entries and more postcards, click HERE.

Clem visitó Huichapan

To see Clem’s entries and more postcards, click HERE.

To see Clem’s entries and more postcards, click HERE.

Ezra visitó Cancún

To see Ezra’s entries and more postcards, click HERE.

To see Ezra’s entries and more postcards, click HERE.

Rosa visitó la Ciudad de México

To see Rosa’s entries and more postcards, click HERE.

To see Rosa’s entries and more postcards, click HERE.

Las presentaciones

All the places we visited for this project!

Click on each student’s name on the text box below to see their Slides presentation.

Virtual Class Presentations: Observations, Questions and Answers on FlipGrid!


La presentación de Amos

La presentación de Didi

La presentación de Mara

La presentación de Saoirse

La presentación de Anna

La presentación de Dom

La presentación de Phoebe

La presentación de Seth

La presentación de Clem

La presentación de Ezra

La presentación de Rosa