Section 230: Congressional Hearing Simulation

Students spent the last few weeks of the term learning about Section 230, a piece of legislation from 1996 that allows online platforms to moderate user-generated content without being held liable for that content. This has allowed websites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram to grow into massive sites they are today, since they depend on user-generated content. Many experts believe that Section 230 has created the internet as we know it, though the law has also been criticized as people believe platforms need greater incentives to moderate harmful content.

After examining articles and videos about Section 230, students simulated a congressional hearing on whether Section 230 should be upheld, removed, or reformed. Each student took on one of the following roles:

  • Lawmaker in support of Section 230

  • Lawmaker opposed to Section 230

  • Tech company owner

  • Lawmaker who is undecided about Section 230

Click on the images below to read statements by the different groups! Please note that undecided lawmakers have included their opening statements – which explain both the benefits and drawbacks of Section 230 – followed by the decision they made after hearing the other statements.

After reading through the statements, please feel free to comment on our Padlet below!

Section X

Support Section 230

Charlotte & Simone

Oppose Section 230

Jack Ozro, Max, and Sam

Tech Company Owners

Abe, Ava, and Frances

Undecided on Section 230

Ivy, Jajan, and Kasey

Section Y

Support Section 230

Aya, Jesus, and Rose

Oppose Section 230

Eleanor, Genesee, and Isabella

Tech Company Owners

Akea, Auden, and Madeleine

Undecided on Section 230

Rey and Xander

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