Fake News Projects

To prepare for these projects, students examined several different sources to learn about the origins, consequences, and potential solutions for fake news. They were able to answer questions like “How long has fake news been around?” “Why do we believe fake stories so often?” and “What should we do about fake news?” The sources we explored include “Fake News: An Origin Story” from NPR’s Hidden Brain podcast, “Operation Infektion” from The New York Times, “Why Do Our Brains Love Fake News?” from PBS, and “Beware Online Filter Bubbles” from Eli Pariser at TED.

Based on these sources, students designed a final project to share their learning in any medium of their choosing. Below, you will find board games, opinion pieces, videos, podcasts, and even an alphabet book!

We hope you enjoy learning through these projects, and please add your thoughts to the Padlet below!

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