Bendíceme, Última: Expresión Creativa (AMS)


Throughout the second half of third trimester, we read and discussed the novel Bendíceme, Última by Rudolfo Anaya. This coming-of-age novel is told from the perspective of Antonio, a precocious six-year-old living in rural New Mexico in the 1940s. The novel opens when Última, a healer endowed with magical powers, comes to live with Antonio and his family. Over the course of a couple years, Antonio experiences several life-changing moments that cause him to ask “big” questions about identity, morality, faith, and destiny. For a final project, one student explored the most prevalent symbols in the book and the role they play in shaping Antonio’s identity over time.

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Evan: Los símbolos de Bendíceme, Última (Declaración Artística)
