Comentario del poema: "Lo fatal" (A2)

For their last project of the trimester, students had to choose from five poems they had previously selected in order to write a poem commentary. This exercise, similar to what we did as a class with the other poems we read, asked them to contextualize and carefully analyze the poem. A commentary has six specific components:

  1. contextualization of the author and the time period when the poem was written

  2. themes

  3. external structure of the poem (metric, rhyme pattern)

  4. internal structure of the poem (introduction, body, ending)

  5. form analysis (figures of speech)

  6. assessment (connection of the poem to time period and vision of the world given by the poet)

Unintentionally, both students chose the same poem, “Lo fatal“ by Nicaraguan modernist poet Rubén Darío!


Comentario de Juanzi


Comentario de Shanti