Renacimiento vs. Barroco: Ilustrados (A2)

After reading a poem representative of the Spanish Renaissance (Soneto XXIII by Garcilaso de la Vega) and a poem representative of the Spanish Baroque (“Mientras por competir por tu cabello” by Luis de Góngora), and learning about the distinct characteristics of both literary and artistic movements, students worked on two main projects: a formal art analysis and an illustrated representation of each poem.

For their first task students chose a painting from one of the two time periods. They then wrote a formal art analysis for their chosen painting, in which they described some of the visual elements of the piece and explained their possible meaning within the composition. Both students choose paintings from the Renaissance, here shown.

For their second task, students were asked to created visual representations of the two read poems. This illustrations had to reflect and incorporate the traits of each artistic movement. Apart from considering their work’s content, composition, color choice, and overall mood, students needed to incorporate the poem themselves within their pieces.


La última cena

Leonardo da Vinci (1495)


El matrimonio Arnolfini

Jan van Eyck (1434)

Análisis formal de arte

Análisis formal de arte: Juanzi

Análisis formal de arte: Shanti

Poemas ilustrados

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Poema del Renacimiento

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Poema del Barroco