Noticias de Nicaragua (I1)

This trimester, Intermediate 1 read their first novel of the year: “Soy Lorenzo”. Set in Nicaragua, the book told the story of a young boy, Lorenzo and his daily life in the small town of Puerto Cabezas. Students were asked to identify the different types of past tenses in the book and this led us to complete an extended reading and written comprehension project. Students had to research different news outlets from Nicaragua, and read through many authentic articles, in order for them to create their own Nicaraguan newspaper “front page”, on the topics of their choosing. The first page had to include 4 links to articles and summaries  for each article, sharing specific details about each story. They also needed to establish a purpose for the newspaper with each article, and maintain that focus throughout! They had to use noun/gender agreements as well as the present, gerund, perfect  and preterite tenses. Each of their front pages have links to the authentic articles they included in their newspaper.

Click on the headlines to see the authentic articles!


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Natalia - Noticias de Nicaragua

Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software - Canva

Gus - Animales en Nicaragua

Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software - Canva

Hanna - Periodico de Nicaragua


Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software - Canva

Nate - Covid-19 en Nicaragua

Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software - Canva

Phivos - Los Eventos Horribles


Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software - Canva

Liam - Nicaragua Hoy

Tai - El Nicaraguense Deportista

Tai - El Nicaraguense Deportista