Mon autobiographie: des vacances extraordinaires!
In our second unit this trimester, we read an excerpt from the novel “Un papillon dans la cité”, written by Gisèle Pineau, a Caribbean author from Guadeloupe who also grew up in France. This story helped us cement our knowledge of the imperfect tense and how to use it in conjunction with the perfect tense. Additionally, Gisèle Pineau’s writing style and way of incorporating sensory details in her descriptions of events and places lead us to our second project this year, “Mon autobiographie: des vacances extraordinaires”, in which student wrote about a childhood event, which happened over the holidays and had a significant impact on their lives. This incident had to be described using the same technique as Gisele Pineau, and involve as many sensory details as possible. Students also needed to use the imperfect and perfect tense independently. After peer-reviewing their stories, they shared them to the class and gave each other some feedback, in French.