Simple Human Experiment With A Strong Statistical Analysis

For much of the trimester, students have been learning about different methods of statistical analysis and ways to draw conclusions based on uncertain information. The culmination of this study manifested in the students’ SHEWASSAs. Each student came up with a research question and hypothesis based around human behavior, psychology, and decision making, based around their individual curiosities and reading excerpts from Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely. Once they had settled on their research question, students wrote proposals for their experiments to be approved by Meridian’s Institutional Review Board, which ensured the safety for all of our human experiment subjects. Division 3 then performed their experiments on students and teachers, collecting their data and performing the appropriate data analysis for it. Final results in hand, students wrote scientific research journal articles and presented their findings to their peers. Please read about their thoughtful research and scroll down to listen to their presentations!

Come talk to our students! You can hear about this and other project work in our Zoom room on Wednesday, June 16th from 7:00-8:30pm EST. Click here to join!

Emily Naito