Firekeeper's Daughter
This spring, a wonderful new YA book written by Indigenous author Angeline Boulley was published. The book, Firekeeper’s Daughter, follows the main character, Daunis, and her explorations of self alongside an FBI investigation about a drug ring in the community. Although I had only just finished it, I knew that the kids would appreciate the novel because of its connections to Native communities we studied this year and because of the excellent storytelling. The book was fairly substantial, and some students were nervous about being able to finish the book before the year was over. However, we did it! AND, the students completed a visual project to showcase some of the quotes they loved from the novel.
Throughout the novel, students highlighted quotes that surprised them, inspired them, made them angry, shocked them, or that they just loved. Then, students designed a visual piece around their favorite symbols, themes, or characters and utilized their favorite quotes in the piece. The idea was not simply to put the quotes on top of the image; students needed to integrate the quotes into the art itself so that the words became part of the visual experience.
Please enjoy their art! Do you notice how they chose to integrate the quotes into the pieces?
Evan’s Firekeeper’s Daughter Quote Collage
Thomas’ Firekeeper’s Daughter Quote Collage
Harrison’s Firekeeper’s Daughter Quote Collage
August’s Firekeeper’s Daughter Quote Collage
Kayla’s Firekeeper’s Daughter Quote Collage
KJ’s Firekeeper’s Daughter Quote Collage
Jameelah Firekeeper’s Daughter Quote Collage
Grace Firekeeper’s Daughter Quote Collage
Leo Firekeeper’s Daughter Quote Collage