Coding with Div 1: MSMAPS Projects!

In addition to the DRIMAS curriculum, several Division 1 students participate in MSMAPS, an elective mathematical research course that teaches foundational coding principles. Here are several of the MSMAPS students’ codes; click on the image to take you to the code!

Rey’s Lines Code

Rey’s code applies their knowledge of line equations to find the equation of the line when given two points.

Auden’s Line Equation Code

Auden applied their knowledge of slope, y-intercept, and coding to create a program that automatically calculates the equation of a line given any two points on that line.

Genesee’s Walgreens Change Machine

My code simulates the little screen that tells you when and where to swipe your card at walgreens and other pharmacies, stores, and restaurants.

It also has added features such as telling you the exact type of change you received. (i.e. how many pennies, nickels, dimes, and so forth you received back)

It picks a random number as the price of the items you are buying, factors in the average tax rate in Massachusetts, gives you the option to add a tip, and makes you pay a valid amount. This was my very first program using python, (I've been making more, but they've been more ambitious and are unfinished) so I am satisfied by the result. The hardest part about making my program was detecting whether the customer had paid enough money. I kept trying to make the program more complicated than it needed to be.