As we study the Holocaust, it also seems essential that we examine those who fought against it. They are not only crucial to understanding the full story of the period, but they also remind us of what it looks like to stand up for justice, even when that calls for risk or sacrifice.
For this project, students chose one such individual or group during the time of the Nazis. Working from the vocabulary of Facing History and Ourselves, we refer to these people as “upstanders.” Each student researched their upstander and then created a comic book cover for their final project. These covers feature the upstander’s real name along with a superhero name given to them by the students. Click on each image to see a larger version, and scroll over the image to read the student’s description of the upstander and their work.
We hope this project helps us remember profound acts of resistance during the Holocaust, and that it inspires us to consider how we can be upstanders in our own world.