La sorpresa del lunes (A1)
Continuing the tradition from first trimester, each student got the chance to put together a sorpresa, or surprise, for the class every week. This surprise could be almost anything related to the Spanish-speaking world such as a song or meme in Spanish, a fun fact about a Spanish-speaking country, a short video, etc. Then, at the start of class on Monday, they would present the surprise to the class, so that we could all learn a little something new about the Spanish-speaking world, or have a laugh at a funny meme!
Mary Alice: I really like the “Sorpresa del Lunes” project! It’s always a very fun and open-ended assignment that can really be anything at all— you can put as much effort as you want into your “sorpresa” as long as it’s fun and Spanish-related.
Esmé: This project was really cool because each surprise was really fun and interesting. We got to learn a lot of cool fun facts and see a lot of cool stuff.
Niko: Canción de GLaDos
Zayna: Los juegos del mundo hispanohablante
¡Palabra nueva de Absinth!
Definición: (verbo) pronunciar o articular la z o la c como s
Absinth: Video cómico del hámster, pobrecito
Mary Alice: “Baile lunes” (¡Un baile original!)
Esmé: ¡Los postres!