(E)spanglish (A2 - Maya)

In this trimester we learned about how language is defined. We also learned about what defines a language as opposed to a dialect and about the characteristics of a language. Then we focused on "(E)spanglish" or "Spanish from the United States" and on many aspects of it, such as its cultural importance to many communities as a form of self-expression and expression of their identities, its practicalness and how it fulfills a need for communication for many groups, and how it is a factually sound language. Originally, we intended to create a dictionary, but realized this would not allow for important information, such as why (E)spanglish exists and phrases to be communicated. Hence for the final project, Maya created an infographic that detailed why (E)spanglish is important and its cultural relevance, as well as its structure and where certain characteristics of (E)spanglish originated. This involved many steps, such as additional research and summarizing information to make it more succinct, as well as including images and examples of (E)spanglish from everyday life and pop culture. 

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Proyecto: El infográfico

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