La sorpresa del lunes (A1)
This trimester, each student was assigned one week to put together a sorpresa, or surprise, for the class. This surprise could be almost anything related to the Spanish-speaking world such as a song or meme in Spanish, a fun fact about a Spanish-speaking country, a short video, etc. Then, on the Monday of that week, they would present the surprise to the class, so that we could all learn a little something new about the Spanish-speaking world, or have a laugh at a funny meme! (Jesse)
Zayna says: “I learned about different sayings from different Spanish-speaking countries. It was really interesting to learn about these because I hadn’t heard any of them before!”
Absinth says: “I really liked doing this because it was always really fun to see what cool or funny things people had managed to find in Spanish!”
A meme from Niko (Click to make larger!)
Mary Alice (Click to make larger!)
Jesse (Click to make larger!)
Fun phrases from Zayna (Click to make larger!)
Absinth (Click to make larger!)
A few of Esmé’s favorite pieces by Frida Kahlo (Click to make larger!)