Reopening Resources and Calendar
Monday, August 31 | Tuesday, Sept 1 | Wednesday, Sept 2 | Thursday, Sept 3 | Friday, Sept 4 |
Expect an email with the Meridian Academy Reopening Handbook. Parents and students should read over it together with a close eye. | No scheduled events. | 7:30-8:30pm Attend an online and optional Meridian Tech Overview with Head of the Middle School, Nathan, to learn about our use of Zoom, Google Drive, and our learning management platform, Edsby. Link to Zoom Room here. |
7-8pm Attend an online and optional Q&A on the Meridian Academy Reopening Handbook with Head of School, Josh. Link to Zoom Room here. |
7:30-8:30pm Attend an online and optional Meridian Tech Overview with Head of the Middle School, Nathan, to learn about our use of Zoom, Google Drive, and our learning management platform, Edsby. Link to Zoom Room here. |
Monday, Sept 7 | Tuesday, Sept 8 | Wednesday, Sept 9 | Thursday, Sept 10 | Friday, Sept 11 |
Happy Labor Day! | 9-10:30am New Student and Family Orientation. New students should report to this Zoom room. Parents and Guardians should report to this Zoom room. 2-3:30pm MAPS Mentor Training. Mentors should report to this Zoom room. |
8:30-9am BYOB - Bring your own bagel! For the 16th Annual Bagel Breakfast Beginning! First day of school for all students. Students and families should report to this Zoom room on one computer with their breakfast for a welcome from Josh. 9-11am Students will get to know each other and have an opportunity to review and ask questions about our reopening plan. |
8:45-11am Division 1 and 2 come to school for in-person orientation. 12-2:30pm Division 3 and 4 come to school for in-person orientation. 3-4pm Introduction to MAPS and first MAPS meeting for all new students and mentors. Link to Zoom Room here. |
First day of of normally scheduled classes! See schedule here. |