Zoos, Farms, and Writing Centers: Seniors Gain Experience at Internships

By Division I Media & Journalism reporter Jesse

For the last few weeks of the year, the school building has almost seemed empty. This is because most of the seniors are off doing internships for credit, rather than taking classes, for the last month of school. The internships range in location and focus, and are geared toward the individual interests of each student.

Max interns at 826 Boston, where he tutors kids in reading. Tara is at a farm in Maine. Twyla is working at the Franklin Park Zoo. Madi helps with research, teaching, and organization at the United Nations Association of Greater Boston. As Max said, the experience of interning outside school is extremely valuable: “It does a good job of contextualizing the work you do at Meridian.” He mentioned only a few downsides, particularly that there is still an interesting curriculum for his classmates, which he doesn’t get to experience, and that it feels a little strange returning to Meridian while he’s working elsewhere.

Finally, Max described how, because it is so different from school, and it’s very challenging, interning helps them feel like there is something new and exciting to do all the way up until they graduate.