Marty Sullaway
What is a favorite memory from your time at Meridian?
You can file the majority of my favorite moments at Meridian under two categories: amazing experiences and funny stories. On the former front, Division Two SeaPerch, Model UN Trips, and the ever-evolving computer-science-related electives that Josh has offered over the years. In the latter category, I'd reflect on a few moments. The first was during my third year at Meridian. During 8th grade, I had a lovely and small Spanish class. We spent 3rd Trimester writing and then filming a movie. During one day of the filming, we were about to retake a scene. Ally Rideout started the camera, and made a comment to the effect of, "We're filming, I'm going to clap [for audio recorder sync], and then we're going to snart (sic)." For some reason, in that moment, the whole class and teacher (Sonja Vitow) found Ally's inability to say the word “start” hysterical and broke out in laughter.
Other moments worth referencing include Sarah Parker Geller mistakenly using Ifrah Gurhan's laptop as a cutting board in a SPARKS community group First Food Friday, various SPARKS Thanksgiving festivities in the early days, and the ever-growing list of field trip adventures.
What will you miss the most after you leave Meridian?
I will miss our small community--a place where I have spent so much time, I feel like I know many of the people here so extremely well and people know me. Meridian has provided me the canvas I needed to paint the picture of my adolescence. The people, staff, students, and the community that Meridian works to facilitate are all really special. I'd be remiss if I didn't again mention the faculty, who has given me their unwavering support over the last seven years, making me a better human, friend, and learner, in particular, Josh Abrams, who has undoubtedly shaped me into who I am today, and has fantastic taste in dark chocolate.
What is a parting thought you have for younger students? Words of wisdom?
Meridian is a place that allows you to be who you are. Take advantage of that. Try new things. Build new opportunities. Remember that your teachers and the general community are excellent resources to find other opportunities, and genuinely want you to do well. Meridian teachers work at Meridian because they care about learning, and are intentional about what they do. Respect that, respect them, and remember all the hours they put into each feedback, revision, conversation, and lesson. Moreover, the Meridian student body is incredibly diverse in backgrounds, skills, and experiences, and your peers are extremely valuable teachers, colleagues, and mentors. Learning is not an 8:45 to 3:15 activity, nor is it something that can only happen in the classroom. If you don't try, you can't fail, and thus you can't succeed. Those who don't wash dishes never break china. If something interests you, try it out. We learn through our experiences. Most importantly, if you wish to use a microwave, abandoning it while its operating is unacceptable and an easy path to getting a visit from the Boston Fire Department.
Quotes from Marty’s peers:
I fully expect Marty Sullaway to be a well-known name 30 years from now in at least one field. I can't begin to predict what he will have invented or discovered, because he always seems to be adding new projects onto his list.
Marty is an extremely capable, easy going guy who is always more than happy to help anybody, anytime. His laid-back, confident outlook on life and work makes one feel that everything will be okay in Marty's hands. Marty is also truly comfortable in his own skin, which is always extremely refreshing to see in young people.
Sister Sullaway! Marty is such a diva. I love joking with him in the hall by saying, “Martayyyyy ready to partayyyyy!” I have enjoyed being there to witness all the ridiculous gadgets you have in your backpack (like when you brought a walkie talkie to the Peabody Essex Museum).
I have had the honour to grow up with Marty and we have both matured and changed (largely for the better), but one thing about him that has not and will never change is his fundamental passion for helping people. It is easy to take for granted, but to overlook his continual aid with a frustrating printer — paper or 3D — is to overlook Marty’s essential kindness. It is for this generosity, even more than for his wit, curiosity, and intelligence, that I have come to be truly grateful for his presence in my life.
Super survivor. I've known him for six years and he's grown up a lot. He has always been skilled with tech, but to watch him create a successful business out of it before even graduating high school is beyond impressive. He brags, but sometimes I think he should. It's quite the accomplishment, and knowing him, I'm sure there are plenty more to come.
Marty is a very supportive person, and he wants the best for the people around him. What I love most about Marty is how much he is willing to create: even if it's something new to him, Marty is the first to jump as a new idea and make it happen. Throughout my years with Marty, he has made an effort to reach out and make everything from Podcasts to senior trips happen.
Marty, I honestly don't know what's going to happen to Meridian now that you'll be gone. Who's going to troubleshoot the printers? Who will help students with laser cutting projects? Who will do grocery store runs in the middle of the school day for First Food Friday? I can tell you're really going to succeed at Northeastern and beyond.
Throughout the years at Meridian, I have always been impressed by the amazing amount of knowledge that Marty has, and how much time, effort, and hard work he puts into not only doing the things he is passionate about, but into helping others, always making sure to add in a joke or two for good measure!