Cell Cycle/Mitosis Board Game or Video

Please feel free to comment on student work at the bottom of the page. Students will be available to respond to your questions. Students were tasked with exploring the stages of mitosis and the changes cell undergo to replicate. Students were to represent each stage and examine the changes in the number of chromosomes as well as the state of the chromosomes at various stages in mitosis. The project was comprised of a written portion that directed student activity during the project and a physical portion that could be either a game or a stop-motion animation.


For my Cell Cycle project I programmed a small game in Unity. It’s more of an interactive demonstration of the Cell Cycle than a true game, but this project was a challenge for me, as I had little to no experience using C# or Unity, and I ended up learning a lot about Object Oriented Programming in addition to what I learned about the Cell Cycle. The game simply walks through the phases of mitosis: It starts in Interphase, with chromatin inside the nucleolus. Next is prophase, when the nucleolus disappears and the chromatin condenses into chromatids and replicates into chromosomes. Anaphase comes next, when all the chromosomes line up. In this phase, the player moves each chromosome into a highlighted center section using the arrow keys. They can press the spacebar when they’re satisfied with the positioning of the chromosomes. Next is Telophase. The chromosomes split and again, you individually control the sides of the chromosome and move them each to opposite centrosomes. The player presses space to switch control to a new chromatid. Once you’re done, nucleolices form around each cluster of chromatids, and the cell wall splits down the middle to make two cells.






Phivos Clem




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