Franklin Park Tree Profiles

Over the trimester, we have been going to Franklin Park about once a week to observe different types of trees. We all choose a tree that we would observe for the next several weeks. We observed the bark, leaves, trunks, and branches. We also watched to see how our leaves turned or didn’t turn while the seasons changed from fall to winter. We noticed what the bark felt like, was it hard? Did it peel? Was it thin? And we discovered what tree it was by using What Tree is That? by Arbor Day Foundations. This book uses a dichotomous key structure (see the coin dichotomous key project) to help you figure out what your tree is. Our next step was to complete our tree profile and to figure out how tall it was. But, we couldn’t just measure it with a ruler! So we used DIY tree clinometers. To make these we used a protractor, string, and a heavy object (we used clips). Then we used mathematical calculations and triangle similarity to figure out the height of our trees! Finally, we combined all of our findings into a profile, and made a video showcasing our trees.

-Charlotte, Division 1 student

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Each tree is profiled in an interactive map.

Click below to see the students’ guide to the trees of Franklin Park!

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Division 1, MSTGuest User