Clary Binns


What is a favorite memory from your time at Meridian?

A lot of my favourite memories are funny things:  Mara's "You!" with point, along with a myriad of other moments in the plays; Sarah walking in on our prank-planning meeting before POL and Nadia bursting into tears for a cover-up; turning to Sonja at Becket and saying, “love of mine, someday you will die” (those are the opening lyrics to a song); every single time Kevin said “yummy”; Stephanie playing "Under Pressure" in chem class; Ally and the great snart while filming a half-hour epic ghost story featuring a murderous sock puppet; looking up at Twyla in rehearsal for the Crucible when she was perhaps a full foot taller than me and saying “That’s deep, Mr. Parris, deep.”

What will you miss the most after you leave Meridian? 

I’ll miss a lot of people. I already do.

What is a parting thought you have for younger students? Words of wisdom?

Cultivate respect and compassion. Pay attention: your peers are your teachers really, because from them you can learn kindness, empathy, communication, and a number of different ways that people might be brilliant, weird, and wonderful. And never forget that they are all struggling, too, so be kind and forgiving when you can — middle and high school has its sucky moments (or months or years) for everyone. Everyone.

Quotes from Clary’s peers: 

  • When recently asked for a word to describe Clary, a friend suggested "horses." Not only is Clary a passionate, ever-trotting learner, but her love for animals and an incredible curiosity and grit make Clary one of the most compassionate, academic, and competent people I know. It has been my honor and pleasure to spend the last seven years with Clary, watching her grow from a rambunctious sixth-grader to a veterinary leader of tomorrow.

  • Clary is full of enthusiasm about learning, and willing to act on as well as share that enthusiasm. This is always true whether she is in class or out, and whether the topic is linguistics or ukulele or animals, to name only a few.

  • Clary is an intellectual powerhouse who seems to be both a jack of all trades and master in all. Many kids have "their niche" that they perform well in and neglect other topics, other kids are undecided and try to dip their toes into each topic. Clary peruses all topics with 100% effort. Furthermore, Clary is extremely mild-mannered, principled, and honest.

  • Ever since I first started Meridian, Clary showed me nothing but kindness. I remember sitting in the lab, and I was super nervous about my first text-based seminar, and she was super nice in giving me a chance to join into the conversation and making sure no one talked over me. I am deeply grateful to this day.

  • I've known Clary for six years, and she has also been hard-working and motivated. From the beginning, she was always pushing to do her best. I have no doubt she's going to be an amazing veterinarian. 

  • Clary has a special ability to appreciate the growth of everyone around her as well as herself. She is a great person to reflect with, because she is open to the many ways in which people change and adapt. She is willing to listen to hear people's revelations, and she is so genuinely interested in seeing change around her, which I really admire.

  • Clary, Edinburgh is not going to know what hit them! I am so impressed that you worked your butt off to get where you are going. It is such a wonderful skill to have as much long term motivation as you do. You're going to be such an amazing veterinarian and I'll look you up when my non-existent horse needs to go to the vet. I do hope you come back to the states and visit!

  • I have so so so much admiration for Clary, and that admiration only grows each day that I am in class with her! She does just about everything, from making amazing baked goods, to creative, insightful, and fascinating projects, to patiently leading yoga in PE, to delivering powerful and enlightening arguments in HUM discussions. Aside from the forever mind-blowing boundless amount of knowledge she has, Clary is one of the most selfless people I know, not only willing to help others with her kindness, patience, and understanding in the Meridian community, but in the broader world around us. I know, and I have known since I first met her with full confidence, that Clary is going to change the world, and she will change it for the better.


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